Friday, November 30, 2007

The Foreigner

I saw the Foreigner tonight at the Black Box Theatre. As always, I loved it.

- From the Dramatists Play Service

THE STORY: The scene is a fishing lodge in rural Georgia often visited by "Froggy" LeSeuer, a British demolition expert who occasionally runs training sessions at a nearby army base. This time "Froggy" has brought along a friend, a pathologically shy young man named Charlie who is overcome with fear at the thought of making conversation with strangers. So "Froggy," before departing, tells all assembled that Charlie is from an exotic foreign country and speaks no English. Once alone the fun really begins, as Charlie overhears more than he should—the evil plans of a sinister, two-faced minister and his redneck associate; the fact that the minister's pretty fiancĂ©e is pregnant; and many other damaging revelations made with the thought that Charlie doesn't understand a word being said. That he does fuels the nonstop hilarity of the play and sets up the wildly funny climax in which things go uproariously awry for the "bad guys," and the "good guys" emerge triumphant.


This play was hilarious. It gives the audience a lot to think about in terms of how we each treat people who are "foreigners". We do and assume some absurd things when we think people don't understand us. The play makes a commentary about people and how they interact, but not in a preachy way, but in a very humorous way.

The Foreigner runs through Decmember 16.