Tuesday, July 12, 2005

A fine line

Yesterday, I took a huge chance. I shared a very private part of myself and my feelings were accepted.

So much has happened in the past year and it has made me doubt the decisions that I have made. It's clear to me that I exist in a dangerous place. Part of my world exits to fill my rice bowl. The other part exists to fill my spirit and encourage me. It's hard to find the safe intersection at times.

"No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other." - Matthew 6:24

This scripture stays with me all the time. In its practical application, it refers to not leading a double life. You can't lead a life and put on the air of living by godly principles when around one group of people and then act completely contrary in another crowd of people. However, the reason why I keep thinking of this scripture doesn't have anything to do with living a double life.

It's hard to have relationships with people on both sides of the battle field. I feel for Switzerland. I don't know how they maintain their neutrality. I can stay neutral in certain areas. I can keep 45% of my life over here and 45% over there. It's the other 10% that is hard to balance. And some days, it's just harder to take than other days.

So I continue to pray for peace...peace in the 10%.