Friday, July 08, 2005

My side hurts from laughing so hard

This was the funny thing I have seen in a long time.

What is the most awesomely bad break-up song ever? The one that makes you cringe when you hear it, but you just can't turn it off. What break-up song makes you shake your head, roll your eyes, laugh, gag, shed a tear, or just punch something because it's so horrendously great. that you love to hate it. Or is it vice versa? VH1 is counting down the 40 Most Awesomely Bad Break-Up Songs....Ever in a 2-hour special, that will cover the highest of the lows and the lowest of the highs over the history of awesomely bad break up songs - you know, the kind of songs that make breaking up even harder to do. The kind of songs that make you want to break a lot more than just an unwanted heart. The kind of songs that, get the drift.

Join us as we count down and celebrate fantastically cheesy lyrics, the best and worst metaphors, awkward and confusing themes, and of course, those strange, misguided flukes from our favorite artists, while our team of experts help explain why we've deemed these songs so (un)worthy. We've been covering our ears, shutting off the radio, and running from the room screaming for too long. It's time to ban these songs to our awesomely bad Hall of F(Sh)ame!

You have to see this!