Monday, July 18, 2005

Wild for Reading? Maybe...

There are people whose appetite for books is as ferocious as a lion on the hunt for prey. They devour books whole, having no need for bookmarks or dog ears; no literary leftovers are left behind. These folks have a craving for far off places and distance lands; a desire to lose themselves in other worlds, never emerging from this world until the conquest is complete.

I am not one of those people.

Don't get me wrong, I like books. But I'm a buffet person; tasting samples from several plates at a time, never really finishing anything. My last few dishes were Don Quixote, Star Trek Voyager: Dark Matters - Ghost Dance, and On Mexican Time. I've nibbled on each, not really getting a hearty taste of any. My newest sample is Angela's Ashes.

We'll see how far I get.