Thursday, January 05, 2006

16 days later

I know I mentioned a headache a week or so ago. I still have it. I went to the doctor today and he thinks it may be muscular. It appears that my neck may be having spasms. Or it could be TMJ or good old fashion migraines. Tommorrow I'm getting some blood work and x-rays. Dr. Goodwin said that he'll know more after he gets the results back. In the meantime, I have some muscle relaxers to help me sleep.

Of course, I can't take them tonight since I have to get my blood drawn tomorrow. But I think that after I get the x-rays done, I'm coming right back home and get in the bed and see where life takes me.

Here's some links to check out:
What is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)?

What are common migraine triggers ?