Sunday, January 08, 2006

Celebrity Fit Club 3

I really want to get in shape. I want to do it by the end of March. But really need to work hard at it. I haven't exercised consistently for two months, following my surgery and I can feel the immobility taking its toll on my body.

I watched about 10 hours of the Biggest Loser show last week and was totally inspired to get going on the workout trail. When season three of Celebrity Fit Club premiered last week, I was psyched and ready to go.

Then I saw the train wreck that is Jeff Conaway. He's so messed up on prescription medication and it appears that he doesn't realize how bad it really is. The thing that I get out of CFC3 is that 1.) I never want to get so out of shape that my body starts falling apart on me and I need prescriptions drugs 2) if I need prescription drugs, I don't want to be dependent on them and 3) I really want to exercise so that we don't even have to mention 1 and 2 ever again.

So here's my goal. I found that walking did the trick for me as far as shedding the pounds. So I my goal is to get to the weight room and do at least 2-3 miles a day, 5 days a week. I also want to cut down on the sugar, meat and (Gina forgive me) caffeine. My doctor keeps telling me to watch my caffeine intake and I certainly don't want to die over a caramel macchiato.