Thursday, August 17, 2006

My science final...and stuff

Ok, I totally blew my science final... but hey, I did it and it's over. I don't want to ever take any science classes again. That final destroyed my brain. The lady in the test center told me that she was worried about me because every time she looked at me, my head was in my hands. That was me trying not to cry. *sigh*

Well, while I was studying today, I watched a fire drill. The folks in the library, nursing and admin buildings had a fire drill. I couldn't hear the alarm, so I wasn't 100% sure what was going on. Most people, I heard, took their own sweet time exiting the building. It was a good thing that there wasn't a real fire.

So, I have 19 days before my fall classes start. I ordered my text books today. But I'm going to savor these two and half weeks off. I have lots to do work-wise, but I think things are starting to level out. My goal is to try not to stress. After all, I survived my first year at UMUC. I have high hopes for this year. I have also set myself up with a good schedule for the ministry. I'm really getting better at it and I'm really starting to enjoy it more.

I don't have any words of wisdom for the day because my brain is mush right now. I have to go to bed now.