Sunday, August 27, 2006

They call me stumpy

Living the past three days with one arm in a sling has been a bit of a challenge. I never realized how many things required two hands.

Want to hear something funny? The pharmacy put safety caps on my prescription. So I was all alone in my apt fighting to get my own prescription open.

One challenge I didn't anticipate was eating. Plenty of people have offered to bring me food. Here's the thing, I can't cut any thing. I can barely eat with a fork. Right now, I'm like a toddler learning how to eat by myself with a big girl spoon.

My other challenge is typing. Right now I'm writing this blog with one hand. I'm actually getting pretty fast at it. I'm not ready to go back to work, but I think I have an idea of how things will be when I go back.

Ok dearies...back to couch for more movies.