Monday, January 24, 2005

Busy week

On Wednesday we went to the Ballet Folklorico in Mexico City. It was really interesting. It wasn’t like the ballet in the US. It was traditional folk dancing from the different regions and peoples of Mexico. Some of the dances reminded me of Stomp and some reminded me of Riverdance. Some parts even reminded me of certain scenes of West Side Story. It was great and well worth the $50 ticket. I’d definitely like to get the DVD of the performance.

On Thursday, I went to dinner at one of the house of one of the couples from the Kingdom Hall. The husband is the presiding overseer in the congregation. They have been married for eight years and they are so cute. The husband, Alejandro, is in a wheelchair. He was in car accident some years ago. Their car is equipped so he can accelerate and stop with a clutch-like thing on the left side of the car. It was interesting to see him drive because I’ve never been in a car with a person who could drive a car, yet couldn’t walk.

We had a good time talking and he helped me with my grammar. We had enchiladas for dinner. His wife, Rosa, is a great cook, but I think there’s a conspiracy to fatten me up in Mexico. Everyone keeps fixing me these plates fit for two people. There were at least six enchiladas on the plate and even though I loved them to absolute death, I couldn’t eat them all. Alex said to me, “If you can’t eat it all, you don’t have to. Give me your plate.” Then he ate my food. It was very funny because I can’t picture anyone I know in the US doing that. I really my time with them, even though they were trying to marry me off to a Mexican husband. They were joking of course, but all in all, I had a great time.

On Friday, we got a new roommate, Stacy from Alabama. She is here independently and very eager to soak up a ton of Spanish. I took her around town on Saturday and we ate at two different restaurants. Most of our group is in Acapulco and since I didn’t go, it was perfect that Stacy showed up. I may have spent the day all alone, as Rosa, our Mexican mama and Jami, both had plans.

Sunday, it finally happened. I got homesick. I talked to my family on Saturday and was fine the rest of the day. But on Sunday, I missed them a lot, especially because it’s snowing. I love the snow. Sure it makes life a little less than easy, but it’s so beautiful when it’s freshly fallen. I love to take pictures of it and I was looking forward to taking pictures of the first snow with my digital camera. I’ve always wanted to send in my snow picture to Don and Marty on the morning news. Maybe it’ll snow again after I get home.