Thursday, January 13, 2005

I rode the bus by myself today

I went to the Theocratic Ministry School today at the Kingdom Hall. I was interesting because when the entire congregation (about 80 people) sang, it sounded like 150. The friends there were so nice to me. They go around and greet every single person in the congregation with Buenos tardes, a handshake and or hug. I wish we did more of that in the US. Of course everyone is 20-30 minutes for the meeting, so they have time to greet everyone.

The kingdom hall is about the size of the hall in Clarksville except there isn’t a separate part of the literature counter. The literature counter is a 5’ X 3’ table with, I think, one literature servant. Now here’s an interesting thing to note. The campaign we had with the “Keep on the Watch” Brochure starts for them on January 17 until February 13. So the Kingdom Ministry for Mexico is slightly different than the one for the US.

This hall is really far away from our house and so I’m only going to go on Sunday and next Tuesday. Then I’m going to go to the hall near the school.

As for school, everything was cool today. I learned a few more idiomatic expressions, but am too tired to tell you about them. I’ll do it tomorrow.

Wanna see some pictures? The first few are at our house and the rest are of the Bascilica in Mexico City and the pyramids at Teotihucan. Enjoy!

Photo in one of the classrooms
Mini shopping center near the school
Patio view #1
Patio view #2
Patio view #3
Patio door leading to our bedroom
Houses behind our street
Jami on the patio steps
Waiting at McDonald's for the group
Bascilica of Guadaloupe (old)
Bascilica of Guadaloupe (the other old one)
The last mile #1 (crawling to Santa Maria)
The last mile #2
Donkey anyone?
Big huge plant
Painting with insects
Is that blood? eww
Aww, isn't that cute? (Not $5.00 worth of cute!)
One of the first temples at Teotihucan
Excavation behind the temple on the left.
To the left of the excavation
Calle de los muertos
Stairs that were discovered in an underground living space
Fachada Norte del Basamento Pasado
Multifamily home
Drainage system
Another walkway at Teotihucan
Me, just a little darker (at Teotihucan)
A Jaguar maybe?
Diego and Ali (Nuestra Amigitos)
David from Westchester