Wednesday, January 12, 2005

estoy hablando espanol

Today, I finally got use my laptop at school. I decided last night that I would write down my thoughts (listen to me… type out my thoughts) in Microsoft Word the night before and then copy and paste them into my blog in the morning. We don’t have much time to spend in the computer lab and so this is the easiest way to get all my thoughts out in a clear concise way.

My clase de español is going well, although tomorrow Beckie has to leave class for a reception for the directors. So I’ll be by myself for about a half hour. I’ll be fine and I can ask our teacher some questions about some other tenses that I never seemed to learn (future, conditional, potential). I have homework tonight, which I will get to momentarily.

My second conversation class with David was interesting again today. We read a passage about first loves and ended up talking about the hurricanes in Florida this past fall. Our conversations jump all over the place. We talked about where Maryland is in relation to Washington DC and I explained why there are a million traffic circles in DC. Then we talked about Pennsylvania and outlet malls. Then we moved north and talked about New York City and the Broadway shows that are good. David wants to see Wicked. But the funny thing was that he didn’t really understand what the word “wicked” meant. I’m finding that there are words in the English language that we as Americans understand, but can’t really explain to non-native speakers. Wicked was one of those words for me.

Cheryl is feeling better. She has the nastiest cough I’ve ever heard. When she coughed it sounded like one of her lungs was going to fly out of her mouth at any moment. Her mama had her put Vicks vapor rub on her chest. Then she crumbled up newspaper and put that on her chest. Then she put on a tight t-shirt with her pajamas on top. Her mama told her that she had to sleep with her hands folded on her chest. This morning she woke up and sounded a whole lot better. Now I’m sure the antibiotic helped too.

This evening I got to visit one of the congregations here in Cuernavaca. The friends there were extremely nice and the wife of the book study conductor helped me answer a couple of questions. I had the book in English and so earlier in the day, I wrote out my answers in Spanish. I even got to read a scripture. They invited me back next week for their version of goodie night. Even though I’m going to start going to the congregation closer to the school, I still want to go back for goodie night because let’s face it, I can’t turn down food.

All in all it was a good day.

Ok, ready for today’s slang?

Want to go to a party? You would say “Nos vamos de reve?” Now, your probably thinking, I thought the word for party was fiesta. It is but here’s an even cooler word for party – pachanga. If you area a party-person, you are a panchangero.