Tuesday, January 18, 2005

What a weekend !

January 17, 2005
Today was the first day of the second week of classes; a new schedule and new teachers. This week I have conservation from 8 am to 10 am, outside on the patio. Ok, Cuernavaca is the “city of eternal spring” but this morning it felt like winter. It was extremely cold.

My conversation class consists of three other ladies from our group and Garrison from Seattle, Washington. Garrison came by himself and is staying until April. There are lots of independent students on campus. They come and stay a long time to become completely immersed in Spanish. I wish I had the circumstances to do that.

For a few days, I’ve had some concerns about this trip and today I decided to talk to Cheryl about them. She and I talked through some things and I feel a lot better. In the past week, a lot of things have happened to me (losing my suitcase, I’ve fallen into a hole almost every single day, I lost my cell phone and got locked out of the house, and other things) and I just needed to get some things off my chest. Cheryl is very good at putting us at ease about our concerns. But she’s also good at making executive decisions about things that we may not necessarily want to hear. There are things that people want to do that are just not in their best interest. She can make a command decision, provide valid reasons for her decision, and then stick to her decision.

Ok, time for pictures. We went to Taxco, a silver mining town this past Saturday. Some of these pictures are of Taxco, some are of our neighborhood.

Week Two

My bed

Jami's bed

To the right of our house (heading downtown)

To the left of our house

William Lowe playing guitar at Brownies

Some of the gang at Los Arcos (favorite hangout spot of HCC)

Charlie's Angels (Eva and Ashley)

On the bus to Taxco (Robert, Wendy, Sajel, and Maurita)

At the first Plateria in Taxco. Real Silver has .925 or higher inscribed on

The whole town is on series of hills.

Need a potty break or money?

A typical balcony in Taxco

The town center (Zocalo) #1

The town center (Zocalo) #2

Another Plateria (silver shop)

An old carriage

The famous Santa Prisca Cathedral

Overlooking the city

Watch your step. There are no sidewalks and the streets are narrow.

The center of town #3