Tuesday, January 04, 2005


So here's the plan:

Flight Itinerary

07JAN CO#627 BWI-Houston 8:15am-10:39am
07JAN CO#1424 Houston-Mexico City 12:05pm-2:31pm

29JAN CO#1725 Mexico City-Houston 12:35pm-2:49pm
29JAN CO#426 Houston-BWI 4:00pm-7:51pm

Now, I'm going to let you know that I will be off the radar screen for about a day or two after we arrive. I'm going to call home during our lay over in Houston. But I'm only calling a limited number of people, namely my family.

As far as my cellphone goes, I'm taking it with me, but I'm not 100% it will work. If it does, I'll give a few folks a call. If not, I'll keep in touch strictly through email using my msn email address. Since I'll only have internet access from the school in Cuernavaca, the best time to catch me will probably be between 8 am and 1 pm CST. I would love to talk to you on instant messenger. If you want to talk on AOL instant messenger or msn messenger, drop me an email with your screen name and I'll add you to my list.

I'm going to miss everyone...