Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Stopped on the side of the road

I forgot to mention this yesterday. On Saturday while we were on the road back to Cuernavaca, we were stopped by the military. They searched the bus and had us get off. We had to stand on the side of the highway for about 10 minutes before they let us go. It was a weird experience. I wasn’t afraid, but at the same time, I was nervous.

Today I got my eyebrows done. It was a strange feeling. I like the way they look now. I need to take a picture of myself so you can see the before and after.

On Wednesday, we are going to Mexico City for the Ballet Folkloriko. I’ve heard that it’s really interesting. We have to dress up. Good thing I brought skirts, otherwise, I’d be in jeans or sweats. Definitely not appropriate for the Ballet.