Monday, June 27, 2005

Being Gilmore

ABC Family often runs marathons of their TV shows. Yesterday they showed a Gilmore Girls marathon. I watched, I believe, four hours of the Gilmore Girls yesterday and had a good old time.

So last night, of course, I dreamt of being on the Gilmore Girls. It was very much like a Quantum Leap experience in that I was not myself, I was Alexis Bledel (Rory), but when I looked in the mirror, I saw me. And if that weren't enough, I wasn't in the town of Stars Hollow; I was on a set in Hollywood. I was the actress playing the part of Rory.

So the episode we were doing revolved around Rory and Lorelai move into a new place and them helping one of Rory's friends transition to college. Rory's friend, whose name I don't remember, she was preparing to go to college and she really wanted to move into her own apartment. Lorelai and I (Rory) told her mom about all the great things about living away from home; about how independent and self-reliant a person becomes. So the girl's mom was really resistant, but in the end I think she let her daughter go live in the dorms. Meanwhile, I was really looking forward to going back to school myself and living in an apartment for the first time. Lorelai turns the tables on me and tells me that I have to live at home this semester which really bummed me out because we had just gone through this big ordeal to get my friend into the dorm and now she's saying that I have to live at home.

At this point the director must have yelled cut and ended the scene, although I don't remember that happening. I went into a dressing room to talk to Lauren Graham, who plays Lorelai, to tell her that I would miss her over the summer hiatus and that I really enjoyed playing her daughter. She seemed very confused by my behavior. I think at that point, I knew that I would quantum leap out of Alexis soon and so I wanted to let Lauren know how good a friend she had been.

I said a last goodbye to Scott, one of the crew guys, who is also a tech in my department in real life. Then I woke up. It was late. I like to be at work at 8 am and it was 7:45 am. I would never make it in time. But I didn't really care.

I was a Gilmore Girl :)