Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Goodnight Ms. Sullivan

I sure am going to miss Anne Bancroft. She was one of my favorite actresses. Her roles were always so strong and forceful. Her characters never took any stuff off of anyone.

They said that most actors draw on their own experiences. So one has to believe that Anne Bancroft was strong and forceful in her own life.

From Yahoo News
Mike Nichols, who directed "The Graduate," called Bancroft a masterful performer.

"Her combination of brains, humor, frankness and sense were unlike any other artist," Nichols said in a statement. "Her beauty was constantly shifting with her roles, and because she was a consummate actress she changed radically for every part."

By DINO HAZELL, Associated Press Writer

Among the movies I loved of Anne Bancroft's, Keeping the Faith, Deep in My Heart, Homecoming , Home for the Holidays , 84 Charing Cross Road, 'Night, Mother, The Graduate and my all time favorite The Miracle Worker. The Miracle Worker is a movie that I can watch over and over again and never get tired of it. Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke both won Oscars for their performances. Anne Bancroft's Annie Sullivan gave me a whole new respect for teachers. They give and give of themselves every day and receive very little in return.

Anne Bancroft's performance was so powerful. She made many powerful performances throughout her career. We have lost a huge talent. Anne will be sorely missed.