Sunday, June 19, 2005

Getting Ready

My transcript evaluation is complete. They took 68 credits and I have 52 to get my bachelor's degree. I'm still very apprehensive about this decision, mostly because I know me. I can only multi-task to a point.

A friend of mine always says that if a woman tells you that she's doing nothing, she's really doing at least one thing.

That's me, the multi-task queen... unfortunately, something always suffers when I multitask. That's something I'm going to have to get a handle on before September. For me, it's usually my spiritual studies that suffer. I want to make sure that I keep up my personal spiritual studies while I'm in school. I've seen others try to do it and really struggle. I don't want to fall into the trap that will inevitably be placed in front of me.

Ultimately, I want to be a better christian more than a college graduate. I guess that's why I didn't take this step any earlier than now. But I'm going to give this a go and get a concrete routine going so that I can get through the next two to three years of my life relatively unscathed.

I know that it shouldn't sound so daunting... but believe me, it is.