Thursday, June 02, 2005


You just have no idea how demoralizing it is to be yelled at by a two year old because you don't understand what her toddler-speak means :(

To me, most of my niece's words sound the same. But today, when I was reading a book to her, she was saying the words in the book, but in her own language. When I didn't repeat them the way she meant them, she yelled at me. There was a little girl in the book who looked like her friend from school. She yelled at me because I didn't know her name. She said it in Mera-speak and I just repeated her. Well obviously the way I said it wasn't right because she yelled at me and started to cry.

I felt just as sad... and little bit stupid at the same time. It was as if I was the one who didn't know how to read!