Tuesday, June 14, 2005

End of the Fiscal Year

I'm feeling productive here lately. I'm not getting my main project done, but I've been getting lots done. This fiscal year has been hard... well not so much hard, but busy. We were tasked with so much to do this year, it was impossible to get it all done. When your job is dependent on other people getting their information to you, it can really make doing your job hard.

This year seemed like a series of stops and starts. I would start on a project and then stop because the department I worked with got busy with other things. Having said that, I think that I've done my best work this year. It was a bumpy road, filled with speed bumps and the occasional sink hole.

This year, though filled with bumps and bruises, did provide me with a cleared vision of what I want for myself. I am more cautious about the people I have in my life and who's vision of myself I'll accept. Before, I took in everyone's opinion of me and tried to make other people happy. Now, I'm finally in a place where I know what I want and I'm happy with my own goals.