Saturday, April 29, 2006

Laurel Spanish Congregation

I went to the spanish congregation today and it was very nice. The talk was about Galatians 6:7, "whatever a man is sowing, this he shall also reap". There were really good points about meeting attendance, personal bible study, being careful about our associations, and certain kinds of entertainment. I was surprised because I picked up about 30% of the talk. The rest was over my head.

The Watchtower study was easier to follow because I had my english copy of the magazine along with the spanish copy. I'm still not ready to raise my hand and answer a question, but maybe one day. I met a sister named Christine who said that she decided to move to a spanish congregation, but she hadn't had any classes. She found that just being there and attending the spanish and english meetings helped her. She suggested that I do the same. She also suggested that I go out in the ministry with the spanish congregation as well. Their public talk is on Saturdays, so I could go on Saturdays at 2pm for spanish and then Sundays at 3:30 at my regular congregation for english. I friend of mine, who is now in a sign language congregation, did that for a while until she felt comfortable going to the sign language congregation all the time.

So I'm going to try to keep at it.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Deja vu

I was thinking today as I was watching LOST, we're never going to see Harold Perrineau anymore. Then, they showed a preview where Michael comes back with a big ol'fro.

Then later on, I was watching the Cosby show on Nick @ Night and low and behold who do I see? Harold Perrineau... He played Scott, a guy that was dating Theo's girl friend Justine... and he had a big ol'fro... except it was in the shape of a box because, of course, in 1989, that was the style.

I hope that the early 90's never comes back in style.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The end of Black White: the project

Here are my overall/concerns with the show:

1. It was unfair of the producers to make them live together. Living with people you don't know would be hard on anybody. They could've gone through the project living next door to each other and having scheduled meetings each day or every other day. This way, they could "pass" and then go home and reflect on it and really say what they felt without feeling like they would offend someone. The person I felt bad for the most in this situation was Rose because I think she actually got it, but she couldn't express it without upsetting her parents.

2. There were some definite family issues with the Sparks that didn't need to be played out on TV. The fact that Nick had been kicked out of school (and how stereotypical was that) didn't need to be played out on tv. That was a black cloud on that family that only served to re-enforce a negative stereotype about young AA men; they're only interested in bling, living a gangster lifestyle, they don't care about education, and they're all lazy. I was extremely unhappy that they showed that. The only good thing that came out of that was that maybe they discovered that he like photography and that middle class AA families can see that it's not just the poor kids who give up on college. Poor kids sometimes give up because they can't afford college. Kids who come from middle-class families don't always have that obstacle. But sometimes they don't see the value of education because they take things for granted. And I didn't understand why the Sparks didn't seem to do more about clearing Nick's name and getting him back in school.

3. I hadn't considered the fact that instead of Bruno being racist, he is classist. he can't understand the life of anyone outside of the middle class. I also think that his opinions are common of kids of immigrants. Early on, he said that his parents were immigrants and that they worked hard to build a successful life. I think that immigrant parents, in general, do a good job instilling work ethics in their kids. However, I sort of agree with Brian in that Bruno didn't understand any other culture because he didn't want to understand it. I do think that the producers took Bruno to some places that were stereotypical. The meeting that he and Carmen went to meet that lady was an event for women. So he really didn't fit in because he was a man. On the flipside, I couldn't believe that he didn't see the racism at the county western bar. It was so obvious.

4. The jumper cables thing was odd. If the cameras hadn't been there and they didn't look like two middle class black men, I think that the outcome would've been different. If they had looked like Nick (with baggy pants and bling) and the car had looked beat up, I don't know if people would've helped them because they would have suspected that they were being set up.

5. Rose seemed to learn the most throughout the whole project. I think she'll stay in contact with the Sparks. Hopefully, she will continue her poetry.

6. Overall, I think that the producers did a bad job on this project. They pulled out all the stereotypes and then didn't try to squash any of them. They focused more on the white people learning something negative and the black people learning nothing at all. None of the exercises the Sparks family went through were meant for them to learn about the "problems" associated with being white besides having "boring hobbies" like knitting.

I'm glad the show is over. I think they could've done a better job with it. I don't think it's fair that they made these two families the official representatives for each race. It was just too heavy a burden.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Funny coincidence

I find it interesting that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes had their baby on the same day that Brooke Sheilds had her baby... hmmmm.....

I wonder if the two families will every meet at Mommy and me classes.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Baby Steps

I have set a goal to be more active in the ministry and since I started working toward that goal, I'm finding new opportunities opening up to me. I'm getting to meet and work with new people, accomplishing another goal of mine, to become more social. I'm also getting out in the ministry and trying new facets of the ministry.

I was talking to someone today who has been encouraging me to auxiliary pioneer for months. Auxiliary pioneers spend 50 hours a month in the ministry, going from door-to-door, conducting bible studies, etc. I'm not quite at that point, but I am working towards that. I'm trying to get my hours up each month, but right now, my goal is to get to and remain at the national average of about 10 hours a month. It seems like a little bit of time in the grand scheme of things, but when I think of what the speaker said last night at the memorial of Christ's death, that Jesus Christ suffered 4 inch nails through his hands for all of us, not just his Christian followers, but for every single person on earth, it's hard to imagine that giving up 10 hours a month would even scratch the surface as something I can do in return to honor Jesus' life. He left his disciples the command to "go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe the things I have commanded you" and I want to really take an active share in doing this.

As for me, I'm going to continue to work on my goals and grow spiritually. My next hurdle is going to the Spanish congregation.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Memorial of Jesus Christ's death

It is the most important night of the year, for it commemorates the single greatest act in human history, an act that Christians around the world put faith in; the death of Jesus Christ. As the one who sacrificed his life for all mankind, Jesus set the greatest example of love by any human being. His love was only surpassed by his Father, who made it possible for his son to give his life.

Tonight, I went to the memorial of Jesus Christ's death at the Kingdom Hall and every year that I go, I find that the information we are given is so valuable and so important. It makes me appreciate just how loving a God we have and how much his son cares for us. Their love, Jehovah God and Jesus, is so unsurpassing that we can even begin to comprehend it to the full. We don't deserve it because we are born sinners, but He offers it to us all freely. I've known this for years, but it's like I'm just getting a fuller sense of what that means. How awesome and awe inspiring their love is for us.

I was happy to share this evening with my father and stepmother, who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. They really enjoyed it and that made it all the better.

You know, I have parents, siblings, and even a best friend and my love for them, at least I feel, is huge... I'd do almost anything for them. I would give my life for any of them. But I don't know if I can say the same for the rest of humankind. It just makes me appreciate Jehovah's love, his greatest cardinal attribute.

Read more about Jesus's last 5 days on earth

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ah..sweet sleep

Today I took a nap today and it was the best nap I had had in a long time. It was one of those where you fall asleep on the couch and sleep for about an hour, but feel like you've slept for 8 hours. I woke up in the strangest position, my arms raised above my head as if I were reaching for something in my sleep. It was great.

I hope that I sleep as well tonight.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


It feels like a caffeine buzz...
that nervous, unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach
when I feel like I can't stop moving because if I do
the world might end.

I hold back tears because I'm afraid to let the feelings go.
Even though they hurt me, feeling something is better than feeling nothing at all.
That's what I tell myself.
I am a liar.

I listen to songs that speak of unrealized love
and wonder, could this be me?
Should I call or be silent?
In silence, there is no rejection.
But the pain that I wish to avoid follows me where ever I go
as long as I keep silent.
I hate silence.

I want to hear the sounds of laughter and love in the wind and the trees.
The happiness that comes with dreams fulfilled is my goal.
I want it.
I will have it.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Spring Break

It's finally spring break! One week off. I really needed this break. I have felt like I was going stir crazy at work. There's so much going on at work lately. It feels like it'll never end. But in my mind, I know that it will.

My goal for the week is to stay busy...well sort of busy. The only bad thing about having a week off is that I don't have as much interaction with people. Having that much time alone with my thoughts can get me into trouble, a fact to which my friends can attest. I'm going to try to keep my feelings in check this week.

I got some travel books today to help me make my plans for my vacation. I still have to make a definite decision. I'm still doing some research to make sure that I can afford everything. I have found a ton of free or lost cost activities, so that'll help. Thanks goodness for the internet and Frommers 8-)

Going Away

I'm getting my notes together to go away. I've been online researching Boston and I think that's where I'm going to be this summer. There are so many historical places to see and lots of entertainment.

I'll let you know what I've planned.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Pix from Columbia

Leaning Trees

Is it just me or are those trees leaning?

Main Trees

The flowers are in full bloom

Main Trees

There are lots of blossoms in front of my building at work.

Parking Garage

Here's the parking garage...well at least the construction site.

Stairway to Heaven

Stairway to Heaven

More pix from the Cherry Blossom festival

bent tree

How did that tree get like that?

Why are there steps in front of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial?

junk in your trunk

Talk about junk in your trunk.

Blossoms everywhere!


Hey that looks like popcorn!


MMM popcorn!


Sparkles everywhere!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I'm feeling good

Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

-Michael Buble

Monday, April 03, 2006

DST - day two

It's day two of daylight savings time and I'm still tired. What's the deal. When will I feel like myself again? Oh well, no sense crying over spilled milk.

Today, so far, I've gotten a lot done. I've just about completed all my projects, despite the fact that one of them isn't going to be delivered the way the user wanted it. But it can't be helped. I'm not worried about it because it's a case of the user wanting something the software just can't do. 8-(

Later that day...

I went to aquafit after work and that actually gave me the energy I needed all day. Well, it was ok anyway because I had a powerpoint assignment to do. It was kind of boring and frustrating at the same time because after a certain time in the evening the creative textual juices are not only dried up, but the space they normally occupy is as barren as the Sahara. I can understand why people resort to plagarism... not that I do that...I'm just saying.

I read something interesting (and sad) today about Sesame Street. They are bringing out a series of DVDs for children 0-3. So you're probably thinking the same thing I thought, "AND??". Apparently there are parents who are mad and said that babies 0-3 shouldn't watch TV. So I wonder if they just stop watching TV as a family for 3 years. I mean, if you stopped watching TV in 2004, you (and your kid) would've missed two seasons of Lost, America's Next Top Model, 87,000 Brokeback Mountain jokes and the Oscar winning performance(and certainly the highlight of my year) of this years's best song from a movie, "It's hard out here for a pimp".

Now, those shows... I wouldn't show them to my 0-3 year old. But Sesame Street, come along now...Somebody had to watch it, and that somebody isn't me. How about I just put my 2 1/2 year old neice in front of the tv so that Sesame Street can get the ratings it needs.

Leave Elmo alone, he doesn't cuss, kill, backstab or do anyhing that would require an adult rating. Come on people, cut the brotha a break!

What Language Should You Learn?

You Should Learn Spanish

For you, learning a language is about career advancement and communication.
Knowing Spanish will bring you tons of possiblities for jobs and travel. Bárbaro!

Late night inspiration

I can't believe that it is 2:54 am and I'm still awake. I got inspired this evening to finally work on my personal website. I've been saying that I was going to do this for a year or more, but never got around to it. Since I bought the domain name, I figured that I might as well use it.

So this is what I have so far...there's no content, just a design template.
JMJ Designs

Sunday, April 02, 2006

What do people envy about you?

People Envy Your Compassion

You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.
People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.

Which shade of green are you?

You Are Emerald Green

Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you.
Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show.
People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate.
But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.

A new neighbors

Well, I haven't needed my alarm clock to wake me up in the morning for the past couple of days. We have a woodpecker that has moved into the neighborhood and every morning like clock work, "peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck". I'm all for nature, but at six in the morn, I want quiet. Add to the woodpecker the family of birds who decided to have a family reunion this morning and catch up on old times. So between the pecks and caws, I'm exhausted.

I made a pot of coffee this morning because Sunday mornings were made for coffee, full of caffeine and favor (don't tell my doctor). So as I'm about to pour a cup of Joe, I realize that there isn't a spoonful of sugar in my apt. (NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Isn't it enough that I've got woodpeckers and congregating birds outside my window... oh yeah, and Daylight savings times..they took an hour from my life. Why lord why?

So I got myself together and when to Giant to get sugar, envelopes and stamps.

Sugar, envelopes and stamps
Sugar, envelopes and stamps
Sugar, envelopes and.... uh.... stamps.

That's what I have to do when I don't make a written list. I got into Giant and saw Biore pores strips... what was I here for?

Sugar, envelopes, and stamps.

I gathered my parcels, so many parcels... everyone had parcels (sorry, had a Green Card flashback) . I hopped in the car and headed home for some coffee. Now that I have the sugar, I can have some coffee and feel like my whole self.

There are people moving in upstairs. I saw a little girl, so maybe it's a family. I hope they're quiet.


I had to write a paper about biometrics for my Intro to Computers class. I know, you're probably thinking "bio-what-ics?"

Let me give you the scaled version of my paper. Remember how people could activate computers with their voices on Star Trek (any of them)? That's biometrics. Basically, it's using yourself, your biology, physiology as your "key" to gain access to systems. The most prevalent form of biometrics is fingerprint comparison. You've seen it. It's when you use your fingerprint to gain access to a system or room. This method is generally the lowest in cost, so even everyday Joes can use fingerprint comparison to unlock their cars or computers. It sounds great, right?

Well, some of the more invasive forms of biometrics threaten to infringe on people's privacy. For instance, facial scans can be used to scan a stadium of people to find terrorists. Sounds simple enough, right? People at the 2001 Super Bowl didn't think so when it happened to them. Of course a year later in New Orleans at the 2002 Super Bowl, people didn't complain as much, mostly because we were still dealing with the horror of the 9/11 attacks.

So, is biometrics good or bad? Well, as with any new technology, there is potential for good and for bad. Each of us has to decide.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

10 People Every Woman Needs

By Linda Sharp

1. An Ethel Mertz. This lifelong friend will be there for all your impetuous "Lucy" moments, whether you're embarking on a crazy scheme (spying on your ex, dying your hair pink) or nipping at the Vitameatavegamin.

2. A boy friend. As in platonic male pal. While he'll never replace your girlfriends for late-night Ben & Jerry's gossip sessions, having a Ben or Jerry in your life can be just as beneficial. With him, you're free to sport your dowdiest duds, have a heated political discussion (without fear that it will carry into the bedroom) and even belch out loud. He'll be your plus-one at parties and the third wheel when you need a buffer. And his insight is especially helpful for all those "Y" questions, such as, "Why are men so...?" "Why did he...?" and "Why won't he...?"

3. A born-to-shop pal. This sartorial sidekick will not only help you find flattering outfits amid the chaos of your closet, she'll also score a heavenly pair of black pumps for you (on sale!)-even when she's shopping for herself.

4. A money manager. A financial advisor can help you get fiscally fit, from reducing your debt to funding your kids' education. Get recommendations from friends or family, or narrow the field by checking out the Financial Planners Standards Council Web site at

5. A fitness buddy. Pairing up can help you slim down. In one University of Pittsburgh study, participants who worked out with pals lost 33 percent more weight than those who exercised solo. "In addition to providing increased motivation and better results, exercising with a partner is just a lot more fun," says Charles Stuart Platkin, author of Breaking the Pattern (Red Mill Press, 2002).

6. A gynecologist. Despite the skimpy paper gown and awkward position, this relationship can save your life.

7. A Bea Arthur. They don't call her a "Golden Girl" for nothing. Having an empowered, feisty female role model lends wonderful perspective.

8. A trusted hairstylist. Trusted being the key word. This is someone who comprehends the meaning of "just a trim" and can teach you how to achieve salon results at home. How to find your mane man or woman? Ask someone with locks you love for the name of her stylist. (Of course, once you settle down with the shear genius, you'll need to keep the news to yourself.)

9. A dream lover. You're in a committed relationship, but every so often, you picture yourself getting jiggy with Ashton Kutcher/Tyrese/the UPS guy. Sick and twisted? Nah. Imagining yourself in an intimate situation with someone other than your partner is normal-and then some. "Sexual fantasies increase interest and arousal and decrease anxiety," says Wendy Maltz, coauthor of Private Thoughts (New World Library, 2001). Hey, as long as it takes you both to rapturous heights, he never has to be the wiser.

10. A child. Watching a kid (yours or someone else's) at play reminds you how simple and joyful life can be.