Monday, April 03, 2006

DST - day two

It's day two of daylight savings time and I'm still tired. What's the deal. When will I feel like myself again? Oh well, no sense crying over spilled milk.

Today, so far, I've gotten a lot done. I've just about completed all my projects, despite the fact that one of them isn't going to be delivered the way the user wanted it. But it can't be helped. I'm not worried about it because it's a case of the user wanting something the software just can't do. 8-(

Later that day...

I went to aquafit after work and that actually gave me the energy I needed all day. Well, it was ok anyway because I had a powerpoint assignment to do. It was kind of boring and frustrating at the same time because after a certain time in the evening the creative textual juices are not only dried up, but the space they normally occupy is as barren as the Sahara. I can understand why people resort to plagarism... not that I do that...I'm just saying.

I read something interesting (and sad) today about Sesame Street. They are bringing out a series of DVDs for children 0-3. So you're probably thinking the same thing I thought, "AND??". Apparently there are parents who are mad and said that babies 0-3 shouldn't watch TV. So I wonder if they just stop watching TV as a family for 3 years. I mean, if you stopped watching TV in 2004, you (and your kid) would've missed two seasons of Lost, America's Next Top Model, 87,000 Brokeback Mountain jokes and the Oscar winning performance(and certainly the highlight of my year) of this years's best song from a movie, "It's hard out here for a pimp".

Now, those shows... I wouldn't show them to my 0-3 year old. But Sesame Street, come along now...Somebody had to watch it, and that somebody isn't me. How about I just put my 2 1/2 year old neice in front of the tv so that Sesame Street can get the ratings it needs.

Leave Elmo alone, he doesn't cuss, kill, backstab or do anyhing that would require an adult rating. Come on people, cut the brotha a break!