Saturday, April 08, 2006

Spring Break

It's finally spring break! One week off. I really needed this break. I have felt like I was going stir crazy at work. There's so much going on at work lately. It feels like it'll never end. But in my mind, I know that it will.

My goal for the week is to stay busy...well sort of busy. The only bad thing about having a week off is that I don't have as much interaction with people. Having that much time alone with my thoughts can get me into trouble, a fact to which my friends can attest. I'm going to try to keep my feelings in check this week.

I got some travel books today to help me make my plans for my vacation. I still have to make a definite decision. I'm still doing some research to make sure that I can afford everything. I have found a ton of free or lost cost activities, so that'll help. Thanks goodness for the internet and Frommers 8-)