Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Memorial of Jesus Christ's death

It is the most important night of the year, for it commemorates the single greatest act in human history, an act that Christians around the world put faith in; the death of Jesus Christ. As the one who sacrificed his life for all mankind, Jesus set the greatest example of love by any human being. His love was only surpassed by his Father, who made it possible for his son to give his life.

Tonight, I went to the memorial of Jesus Christ's death at the Kingdom Hall and every year that I go, I find that the information we are given is so valuable and so important. It makes me appreciate just how loving a God we have and how much his son cares for us. Their love, Jehovah God and Jesus, is so unsurpassing that we can even begin to comprehend it to the full. We don't deserve it because we are born sinners, but He offers it to us all freely. I've known this for years, but it's like I'm just getting a fuller sense of what that means. How awesome and awe inspiring their love is for us.

I was happy to share this evening with my father and stepmother, who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. They really enjoyed it and that made it all the better.

You know, I have parents, siblings, and even a best friend and my love for them, at least I feel, is huge... I'd do almost anything for them. I would give my life for any of them. But I don't know if I can say the same for the rest of humankind. It just makes me appreciate Jehovah's love, his greatest cardinal attribute.

Read more about Jesus's last 5 days on earth