Saturday, April 29, 2006

Laurel Spanish Congregation

I went to the spanish congregation today and it was very nice. The talk was about Galatians 6:7, "whatever a man is sowing, this he shall also reap". There were really good points about meeting attendance, personal bible study, being careful about our associations, and certain kinds of entertainment. I was surprised because I picked up about 30% of the talk. The rest was over my head.

The Watchtower study was easier to follow because I had my english copy of the magazine along with the spanish copy. I'm still not ready to raise my hand and answer a question, but maybe one day. I met a sister named Christine who said that she decided to move to a spanish congregation, but she hadn't had any classes. She found that just being there and attending the spanish and english meetings helped her. She suggested that I do the same. She also suggested that I go out in the ministry with the spanish congregation as well. Their public talk is on Saturdays, so I could go on Saturdays at 2pm for spanish and then Sundays at 3:30 at my regular congregation for english. I friend of mine, who is now in a sign language congregation, did that for a while until she felt comfortable going to the sign language congregation all the time.

So I'm going to try to keep at it.