Sunday, April 02, 2006

A new neighbors

Well, I haven't needed my alarm clock to wake me up in the morning for the past couple of days. We have a woodpecker that has moved into the neighborhood and every morning like clock work, "peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck". I'm all for nature, but at six in the morn, I want quiet. Add to the woodpecker the family of birds who decided to have a family reunion this morning and catch up on old times. So between the pecks and caws, I'm exhausted.

I made a pot of coffee this morning because Sunday mornings were made for coffee, full of caffeine and favor (don't tell my doctor). So as I'm about to pour a cup of Joe, I realize that there isn't a spoonful of sugar in my apt. (NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Isn't it enough that I've got woodpeckers and congregating birds outside my window... oh yeah, and Daylight savings times..they took an hour from my life. Why lord why?

So I got myself together and when to Giant to get sugar, envelopes and stamps.

Sugar, envelopes and stamps
Sugar, envelopes and stamps
Sugar, envelopes and.... uh.... stamps.

That's what I have to do when I don't make a written list. I got into Giant and saw Biore pores strips... what was I here for?

Sugar, envelopes, and stamps.

I gathered my parcels, so many parcels... everyone had parcels (sorry, had a Green Card flashback) . I hopped in the car and headed home for some coffee. Now that I have the sugar, I can have some coffee and feel like my whole self.

There are people moving in upstairs. I saw a little girl, so maybe it's a family. I hope they're quiet.