Sunday, August 28, 2005

First day of school

Tomorrow is the first day of school for everyone in my family, except me. I go back to school on September 6th.

As long as I can remember, it's always rained the first day of school. I watched the news this morning and they were predicting clouds and possible rain. That rain sort of comforts me because it's a constant in my life. The first day of school has always been good for me, although the days to follow may not have.

I'm looking forward to going to school, to a new school. The University of Maryland University College is the largest school that I have ever attended. It's daunting because Howard Community College is so much my security blanket, that leaving frightens me.

I've been fighting it for years. I don't like to do things that might be too hard for me. And going for my bachelor's seemed like something I couldn't do. I don't know what I'm so afraid of. With a 3.57 GPA, you would think that I would be a little more confident about moving forward. I'm not, but I also feel like if I don't do this, I'll regret it because there's so much I want to do in my field that I can't do now without the degree.

The good news is that I have a support team that will help me through this. Although they've already told me that they don't want me weighing myself down and stressing out, I know that they'll be there to give me hugs and encourage me when I inevitably take on too much.

This is what I want to say to my support team.

Thank you in advance to everyone who:
- will be there for me.
- will listen to me complain.
- will tell me that it's going to be ok.
- will tell me to do my homework on time.
- will give me a hug when I need it.
- will tell me to relax.
- won't allow me to give up.