Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Progress is in the eye of the beholder.

Now today, I did a lot of work. But it seemed like I did a lot of work over and over again. Sometimes, some projects are "how does it look now? - No? - Ok, I'll try again." and you spend the whole day fixing minute details.

Or sometimes you spend the day trying to force the square peg in the round hole and just when you think you can't try and shove it in from any other angle, you get it in and even though it looks weird and strange, you start to make a little progress.

You see a good web designer, in my humble opinion, should have at tiny bit of perfectionism deep in soul. There's generally no settling for almost perfect. It's perfect or it's garbage. That's what web design usually boils down to. If something isn't quite right on a page that I'm working on my conscience, my external conscience, will say something like, "was that a design choice?" which is my cue to fix the not-so-right design element.

So, to have a great website/page you need the following ingredients:

2 cups of design skill
2 cups of skill in the web design software package of your choice, I like Dreamweaver.
1 cup of obsession to detail
2 tbsp of patience (you can eye ball it)
A pinch of mania
A flux capacitor
A clove of garlic (to taste)
And about 3/4 cup of EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

Warm that over 1.21 jigawatts of heat and man o'man, your site will be awesome!!

In thirty minutes, you may not have the perfect web site, but you will have a great meal for a party of four.

Rachael Ray Rocks!