Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My class schedule

CMST 386 Internet: An Advanced Guide 3 units
(9/6/05 - 12/20/05)

Prerequisite: CMST 385. A study of advanced applications for the Internet and the World Wide Web. Focus is on Web page design, including features such as frames, animation, and cascading style sheets. Dynamic HTML and JavaScript are introduced. Assignments include publishing a Web page. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: CAPP 386 or CMST 386.

LIBS150 Info Literacy Research Methods 1 units
(9/6/05 - 10/25/05)

An introduction to the research process and methods for retrieving information in a library or through online sources. Development of a research topic and the creation of effective strategies for finding relevant information are discussed and practiced. The following information literacy skills are emphasized: understanding the research process; selecting appropriate print and electronic sources to answer research questions; effectively using Web search engines and UMUC Information and Library Services' electronic resources to find information; and evaluating, organizing, and correctly citing the information found. Credit for LIBS 150 may not be earned through challenge exam or portfolio credit. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: COMP 111, LIBS 100, or LIBS 150.

COMM394 Business Writing 3 units
(10/26/05 - 02/08/06)

(Students for whom English is a second language should consider taking COMM 394X instead. Fulfills the general education requirement in intensive upper-level writing.) Prerequisite: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101X. An introduction to professional workplace writing. Topics include context, purpose, audience, style, organization, format, technology, results, and strategies for persuasion when writing typical workplace messages. In addition to shorter assignments, a substantial formal report that incorporates data analysis and support for conclusions or recommendations is required. Assignments include composing a total of 6,000 words (approximately 25 pages). Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: COMM 394, COMM 394X, ENGL 394, or ENGL 394X.