Thursday, August 04, 2005

Good Day

It's not often that people get to say that they had a really good day at work. So often, pressures at work be it because of personality differences, difficult projects, or simply the type of work that we are given put a heavy burden on us all. Many people feel like their to-do list never gets completed, but instead continually grows. I've had those days...

And then you have days like the one I had today. I didn't make a to-do list because that's way too much pressure for me. I simply printed out the tasks to be completed, put them in a folder for safe keeping and then I worked my way through the folder. Now granted, I didn't get through the folder completely because that would've been a serious freak of nature. But I did get to the point where I felt like I accomplished a lot of work. I got things done and made decisions that would ultimately make some of the projects go smoother and faster.

The other day I was talking to a friend and she said that she felt bad if there weren't enough things on her to-do list. I still don't know where I went wrong with her. I tried to convince her that she was in fact broken and that this type of thinking was no good. In our field of work, if you just sit still for about a minute, work will come to you; there's no need to go looking for it.