Friday, October 21, 2005

Be there

In the grand scheme of things, there are something that are more important than other things. People are important, how you treat them, how you love them. We live such short lives and there is so much we have to do, so much that most of drown in the sea of responsibility. We fool ourselves into thinking that if we keep plowing ahead, working those extra hours to get more things, our families will achieve some imagined level of happiness.

I have news for you, no such place exists.

If you put your trust and hope in things, then things will be all you have in the end. Go find your loved ones and give them a hug. Tell them you love them. Then you'll find happiness. It doesn't reside in a particular zip code. It doesn't require a minimum annual salary. It only requires that you be there, emotionally, physically, and spiritually for your family. Be present in their lives now before you forget how to do it.

After all, today is a gift...That's why they call it the "present".