Thursday, October 20, 2005

Where are the priorities?

With hurricane Wilma headed for Florida, why are all the news headlines about Katie Holmes protruding belly or whether or not Jennifer Anniston and Vince Vaughn are dating or the whole Branelina thing? I'm tired of hearing about celebrities and their personal lives.

Personally, if Jennifer Anniston is dating Vince Vaughn, I say, good for her. Brad doesn't seem to mourning the break up of his marriage. Everyone wants to paint Jennifer as the jilted wife whose friends have to drag her out of bed and re-assure her that life will go on. What everyone seems to forget is that Jen was strong before Brad and will be strong after Brad. She's said plenty of times that she's ready to move on with her life. And this "feud" between and Jen and Angelina... yeah ok. Let it go people, let it go!

The funny thing is that we sit and talk about celebrities as if their successes and failures in relationships have a direct correlation with our relationship successes and failures. I mean people were going crazy with Nicole and Tom broke and now Brad and Jen. Celebrities are human beings just like us. They have problems like everyone else.

Having said that, I will be the first one in tears if Tim and Faith break up ;)