Monday, October 17, 2005

Matthew 6:33

(Matthew 6:33) 33 "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to YOU.

Whenever you're stressed about all the pressures that are weighing down on you, read the above scripture and pray to have your thinking re-aligned with God's.

I forgot to do that last week and I let the careless speech of another person ruin my mood. I was told that I need to change who I am in order to achieve a particular goal. What was suggested was contrary to my personality and something that I never felt I should have to do. So imagine the negative self talk that went on in my head.

"Maybe if you were more social, you'd meet someone..." Great advice, but people have a saying that you need to be more social and then not inviting you to anything. Ok, so be social, but just not with us. Hmm...

Then today, I was reading an article in the Watchtower about Noah and the faith that he had and showed in building an ark, when no one had ever seen a flood before. He did this work for over 100 years. The article said that Noah had a faith that was so strong that it directed his every choice in live. He worked toward the goal of finishing is God given assignment and he did just so.

It made me think about all the things that I could get wrapped up in. All the things that could bring me down. Not being married is something that if I allow it to, could bring me down. But God's work of preaching and teaching will never bring me down. It's something that is a privilege and I should do the best that I can at it.

So I'm not going to let singleness bring me down. If it is meant for me to be married, I'll get married and I won't have to change myself into someone I don't like to do it. If I keep putting the kingdom (work) first then all these other things, (the desires of life that are in harmony with God's purposes) will be added to me.