Thursday, October 06, 2005

Spring time in Adelphi

I got an email from my academic advisor telling me that it's time to register for Spring classes. Hello, it's only the fifth week of classes. We've still got nine weeks left and she wants me to think about spring?

Come on now :(

I went ahead and printed out the online course section of the schedule of classes because in reality, who really needs all 148 pages of that thing? I just need a list of online classes that will be available.; seven pages in total.

While I was thumbing through the schedule of classes, I discovered something that I guess I had seen before, but didn't realize. Each semester is broken into two mini-mesters. So theoretically, I could sign up for 2-three credit courses, (one in Spring 1 and one in Spring 2) and still be considered a 6 credit student for the spring. That might actually work for me. This way I can get two classes out of the way without doing them both at the same time.

Now I just have to decide what to take. I'll let you know how that goes.