Saturday, October 01, 2005

September tears fall like rain

Historically speaking, September has never been a month of happiness.

9/11/1973, when the Americans orchestrated the military coup that overthrew and assassinated Salvador Allende in Chile. Over 3000 Chileans, mostly indians, were killed.

09/18/1989 Hurricane Hugo makes landfall over Charleston, South Carolina.

9/13/1996 Tupac Shakur dies from complications resulting from multiple gun shot wounds.

Late 8/31/1997, Princess Diana dies after being chased by papparazzi. The world grieves and tries to figure it out throughout September 1997.

Labor Day weekend 2000, my friend Iran is found in his apartment dead from a self inflicted gun shot wound. He was 26.

08/25/ 2001 R&B singer Aaliyah is killed in a freak airplane crash. The country spends the next few weeks trying to figure out what wrong until...

9/11/2001, Terrorists destroy the World Trade Center Towers (north and south), crash a plane into one side of the Pentagon and killed another plane full of people in Pennsylvia in an attempt to hit the White House. The United States is never really the same.

9/11/2003 Actor John Ritter dies from what doctors diagnosed as an aortic dissection (an unrecognized flaw in his heart).

9/18/2003 - Hurricane Isabel devastates the eastern coast of the US, killing 50 people and causing $3.37 billion in damage.

9/12/2003 Singer Johnny Cash dies from complications from diabetes.

9/01/2004 Armed terrorists took hundreds of school children and adults hostage at School Number One in the Russian town of Beslan in North Ossetia. On September 3, 2004, the third day of the standoff, shooting broke out between the hostage-takers and Russian security forces. According to official data, 344 civilians were killed, 186 of them children[1], and hundreds more wounded.

08/31/2005 Hurricana Katrina displaces over a million people, kills over 1000, and virtually wipes out the gulf coast cities of Lousiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle.

As if that weren't bad enough, 09/24/2005 Hurricana Rita finishes off the gulf Coast, making landfall between Sabine Pass, Texas, and Johnson's Bayou, Louisiana, and refilling an already over flooded New Orleans left with even more water than Katrina had dumped three weeks earlier.

Many other sad things happened, as they do everyday. It's important to let the people in your life know how you feel. It's important to clear up any unfinished business. It takes so much energy to be negative. In the grand scheme of things, it's better to love and be loved and spend your days appreciating your loved ones because tomorrow isn't promised to any of us.