Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Breaking up is hard to do. Getting closure is even harder...

Today I did something that I've been avoiding for a year. I had to go get some closure. I had a talk with someone about some problems I had a year ago. I was supposed to follow up on my progress, but in true chicken fashion, I never went back, mostly because I didn't know what to say. My problems didn't really change within the proceeding months, nor had my attitude about the problems. I felt wronged and wanted justice, albeit my own brand of justice. That was part of the problem.

I think that I needed to learn that sometimes humpty dumpty can't be put back together. Despite my efforts to make things right, sometimes, things just stay broken and I had to learn to deal with it. In my naive brain, I actually thought that I could close a chasm that was years in the making. But you know what, sometimes separations happen for a reason. Sometimes Mom and Dad can't be together and be happy. But with any separation, loyalties are tested and feelings are hurt. It's hard to take sides, but it's inevitable. The trick is to get to a point where you can forgive yourself and everyone else.

So that's what today was about...Accepting that separation is ok and that despite what has happened in the past, I can still move on.