Thursday, March 30, 2006

There exists a friend sticking closer than a brother...Proverbs 18:24

There are days when I sit and think about how good my life is right now. Although I don't have a family of my own, I have the freedom to do almost anything I want. Now of course the grass is always greener on the other side and part of me thinks, wants, desires a family. But today, on this date, I'm truly happy.

I have good friends and in fact, a BF... I thought I'd never use that term again. I've been afraid of that word and the implications and responsibilities associated with it. But I can say that my BF is a great person, who really cares about me. She builds me up so that I become better, but doesn't tear me down in the process. That's something that many people haven't mastered. She respects me for me and despite the fact that she's older, she treats me like an equal.

She wants me to be happy and achieve the things I want in life. But every now and again adds a small dose of reality when I turn to the left or the right. And I'd like to think that I do the same for her, even if it's to a small degree.

The best thing about my BF is something that she told me today... She's happy. For that I am grateful. "Time and unforeseen occurrenced befall us all" (Ecclesiastes 9:11b) and none of us is promised tomorrow. We need to cherish the time that we are alive. It's so important do know that each of us is loved and that each of us love those close to us.