Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Saturday in NYC

We had a good time in NYC on Saturday despite the fact that we didn't see Isaac Mizrahi or Lisa Loeb. I'm not sure why I was so obsessed with meeting them on Saturday, but I found myself looking out in every clothing store for Isaac and just anywhere for Lisa. Oh well, it wasn't meant to be.

The Museum of Modern Art was....interesting. They have weird pieces there. For example the very first room we went into looked like an IKEA showroom. I could not believe that I had just paid $20 for that. But thankfully, it got much better when we looked at the photographs and paintings.

Oh yeah, we saw a "hobo", as my brother called him, who appeared to be high, probably on heroine. He stopped for traffic and then bent over slowly with his head in the traffic. I'm surprised that no one hit him.

Where'd the word HOBO come from anyway?

BTW, it sure was nice out today. Who would have thought it would be 82 degrees on March 13th? It's been nice for a couple of days now. Snow must be coming.