Saturday, March 04, 2006

These Dreams

Thursday night I dreamt that I was in rehearsals for a tv special with Carol Burnett. Carol, Harvey, Tim and Carol's husband were all at my house and we were going over the script. Now, you may wonder why I didn't mention Vicki Lawrence. Vicki was traditionally the cute young one in that bunch. But in my dream, that was me. It was lots of fun. I don't remember most, except doing a lot of singing.

Last night, I dreamt that I was going to the District Convention with my aunt and uncle and we had some fish that we had to transport in a variety of containers. At one point, the fish, about 4 different fish, were lost and it was believed that someone stole them. We finally go them back, but it always seemed like the container we had wasn't good enough. Finally, we decided to set them free in the ocean. It was like Finding Nemo, but sad.