Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Day

There are days when I'm totally pensive and reflective and the sage advice flows naturally as if from a weathered old matriarch. Then there days when I can't form a coherent sentence and I sound more like a drunken sailor. I'm happy to say that today was neither one of those days.

I did, though, have a good day, even with having to take another trip to the dentist office. I had a purposeful day. I got plenty of work done and I left feeling like I had really accomplished something. Now of course, my work wasn't completely done, but it was done enough to where I could leave without worried myself into anemia.

I've been working on a story in my head all day that I just can't get worked out. I have a beginning and an end, but no middle. Please don't ask me what the story is about because I don't know yet. I just know that I have to write it. It'll appear in my blog one day, but for now, it's tangled in the cobwebs of my brain.