Friday, March 17, 2006

What I know for sure

No, it's not Oprah writing...

When I think about that past few years since I left Sam Goody, I notice a pattern in my life. I have wanted to succeed, but have been afraid of it at the same time. I don't know what I thought might happen, except that I'd lose myself. But I'm starting to figure out that succeeding isn't the scary thing people make it out to be. It's not always about getting ahead and making the most money. It's not even about climbing the corporate ladder. It's about doing your best and being good at something you love.

I love my job...I know I do more than people realize, but it's ok. I'm one of the go-to people and I actually enjoy that. I don't make as much as I need to live here in Columbia, but I do make good money for what I do. Could I use more? Of course...I'd be a fool to say anything else. But all in all, I think that contentment is the key and for the most part, I have that.