Tuesday, May 24, 2005

First day home

Today, I slept in. I had good dreams, so it was easy to do. I woke up feeling like I had plenty to do, lots to accomplish. But it was my own list of to-dos, not anyone else's.

I had some running around to do and my plan was to head out early and come back and rest before my water aerobix class. I was out for a good long time today and did a lot more than I planned to do. But it was ok, because I didn't feel stressed at all.

I've been feeling overwhelmed for about a month now. Work seems to offer very little challenge as of late. Especially with the threat of complete and total change looming on the horizon. Right now, we're sitting in the calm before the storm with everyone watching and waiting to see how things unfold.

But for this week, I'm not going to worry about it.