Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Good Day

I had a good day today. I went out in the house to house ministry. The group I went out with didn't find too many people at home, but we still had a good time. It was encouraging to be with people with similar goals as myself.

I'm really trying to improve in my skills in the field ministry. One of my goals is to get to the point where I go out on a weekly basis and get at least 10 hours a month. I also want to get better about my personal study schedule. I finally made my schedule and put it on the refridgerator. I've been meaning to write out my study schedule for a few weeks. I think that by making a schedule, I can get myself on track.

This schedule is going to come in handy this fall when I start taking classes at UMUC. I really don't want school to get in the way of my spiritual studies. One reason why I have waited to go to school was that I wanted to get my spiritual studies on a regular pattern. I think that by getting started on my pattern now and working about it throughout the summer, I can get myself prepared for the fall.