Monday, May 16, 2005

I say, put up a sandwich board that says, "come see us...we'll tell you what you need to know".

I'm becoming intimately familiar with the Howard Community College website this week. I'm going through all the web folders looking ways to improve marketing opportunities for various areas within the college. There are sites that I've never seen before and honestly, I don't think anyone else has seen before either.

We really let too many people have access to create websites. This is part of the reason why we have so many problems convincing people that they should conform to a set of web standards. We let people do things willy-nilly for years and now we're paying for it. We have site with over 100,000 webpages; 85% of which are virtually useless. Everyone thinks that their info is important and in any other setting, they probably would be. But we have a huge mess on our hands. The thought alone of having to clean it up makes me tired...

The web nazi in me says, wipe out the whole server and start from scratch.

Alas, I can't wipe out the website, at least not without getting into trouble. So instead, I think I'll go to bed.