Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Some days...

There are days when I feel super productive and very capable of handling my job. On those days, I actually get through projects and actually have a sense of pride about my work. There are days when helping people is effortless and is even a joy.

There are days, though, where I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. People call and I have no clear cut or easy answer to their questions. Or worse yet, I don't know the answer to their question. Sometimes people don't see the big picture and ask for things that just are impossible or irrelevant.

Today was neither of those days. It was a day in between. I got work done, but became frustrated with the prospect of all that is still left to do. A few calls came in that were relatively easy. But the ones that have been with me for a while puzzle me because I can't seem to make any headway with them.

I have two reports to write by the end of the month. First of all writing professional reports is not my strong suit. One report will ultimately go to the Foundation board - the money people. How scary is that? So I really want to do a good job on it. Although I have no idea how I'm going to do it.

The other is a recommendation report. I really need some alone time on this one because I don't even know what to recommend. Worse still, I don't know if my recommendations will even matter in a year with all the changes that will be made.

Right now would be a good time to have a clone to help me do these reports.