Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A Revolution

I take a water aerobics class on Monday and Wednesdays. When I first started taking the class, I thought that I was getting a good workout. I thought that since I enjoyed the class, everything was going well. I wondered why I wasn't losing any weight because I had heard that 30 minutes in the water was equivalent to 2 hours on land. So for sure, I should've seen some results.

One day, we had a substitute teacher; pyscho-sub, I called her. She worked us hard, so hard we couldn't talk during the exercises. I didn't really like her but it was a good thing to have this change of pace. She kicked it up a notch.

This past semester, I started taking Aquafit, which is basically Water aerobics. Our instructor Nancy worked us hard, but it was fun at the same time. She worked us so that everyone could work at their own level yet still get a great work out.

After some weeks of her class, I began to see the difference between what I had been doing and what I should've been doing. I had started working out because my doctor wanted me to lose weight and she suggested that I work out five days a week. In the past four months I've seen a huge improvement in my physical body as well as my emotional health. Having this time to workout helps me to release any stresses that come up during the day. I also see that my body shape is improving. I haven't gotten on a scale, so I don't know if I've lost a pound, but I certainly feel better.

So I titled this blog A Revolution...why? Well, one day our Water aerobics instructor was late to class and being the type of person now who doesn't want to miss too much time from my exercise routine, I started to lead the class in some exercises. I showed them some moves that I was learning in Aquafit and they really liked them. They saw that we could do more strenuous exercises and instantly craved more. When our instructor arrived, we told her that we wanted to do harder exercises, but she really hasn't kicked it up a notch at all. This happened about three weeks ago and since then I've watched our class plan a mini coup.

By the end of yesterday's class, our last class, one person said to me, "I'm not signing up for this class again unless we get a new instructor". I got this person and all the other people in my Water aerobics class to sign up for Aquafit. Today was our first class and they loved it. This is the level of work out they wanted.

So we got together in the locker room and talked about going to the Human Resource department and telling the Wellness Coordinator about our concerns. We want to continue the class, but not with same instructor. And since Tuesday and Thursday are not ideal for most of us, the Aquafit class may not be something they can continue in the fall.

I don't know how things are going to turn out. But I hope things work out so that we can have a good workout in the fall.