Monday, May 30, 2005

The Westhavers

So I have these friends, the Westhavers, Keighley, Marie, and Wes. I've hidden their identity so that the feds can't find them. (Just kidding! :)) They're a cool family! Keighley, the daughter, is a little bit Gothy and a little bit rock-n-roll. Ma and Pa Westhaver are techies. Ma's into Web Design, but her alter-ego loves to write. Pa's a programmer/inventer (at least in my mind) on the level of Dr. Emmett Brown from the Back to the Future Trilogy but with more neatly arranged hair.

He came home one day, when Ma had invited me over for dinner, and was talking about needing a part for something he and his dad were inventing. To me it sounded like this: Click the link to hear the actual sound bite from BTTF.

"Don't worry. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88 miles an hour, the instant the lightning strikes the tower, everything will be fine."

Anyway, the reference to BTTF brought on a slew of, "you know what my favorite part was?" lines. It's so cool when you can just randomly start quoting from a movie and everybody gets it!