Monday, May 02, 2005

A Sunday matinee

A Street Car Named Desire I went to see A Street Car Named Desire today at the Theatre Outback. I'd never seen an HCC production and was extremely impressed with the talent that we have at our school. The girl who played Blanche Dubois played crazy really well... A little too well. I've only seen crazy played that well once before - Diana Ross in Lady Sings the Blues.

I also got to meet Marie's mom. What a great old gal. She and I got to talk for a few minutes while we were waiting for Marie to bring the car around. She told me about the place where she lives. She realize seems to like it there and "90% of the people are really nice". I just love how she broke it down mathematically. She said that there are people who do nothing but complain all the time. I told her about having to deal with some unfriendliness in my life as well and she said that there will always be people who try to bring me down no matter where I go. I've heard that a million times, but there was something terribly wise about that statement coming from her.

Before leaving her, I gave her a hug and told her that we have to hang out some time w/o Marie. I have to admit, I do have a soft spot in my heart for old people. They may fart and fuss and get on your nerves sometimes asking you to repeat what you said 17 times, but they can be so cute that you forget all the annoying stuff.