Thursday, September 01, 2005

Enegizer Bunny

Today, I had the first Caramel Macchiato in a few months and let me tell you, I was flying. I was so energized by the small cup of coffee... Ok, I'll admit it, I was bouncing off the walls and I felt like I was shaking on the inside. It's amazing how your body reacts to things after not having them for a long time.

I thought of something today. Yesterday was August 31st. On August 31, 1991 I was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I dedicated my life to serving God. I think that in the past 14 years, I could've done better in my service to God; could've shown more faith and reliance. But I do know one thing. I am in a place right now where doing my best to serve Jehovah has been more important to me than ever before. I really want to give my all. One thing that has helped me is knowing that I don't have to be perfect at it.

See as a classic over-achiever, I'm used to doing really well in most things. My field service (house-to-house ministry) is something that I've never felt completely confident in. Maybe that's a good thing. There's no room for over confidence in this humble work. But I also know now that giving a witness is done in several ways. My conduct alone gives a witness to the God that created me. If I work hard to reflect his qualities, I become a better citizen in this world and a better servant of his.

So it's all good. I'm not at the level I hoped I'd be when I got baptized. But I'm getting there.