Monday, September 26, 2005

Just Do It

Maybe the NIKE people were right when they said "Just Do It". I have decided to finally create that web design business website that I've always wanted. I've already gotten a domain name,

I've also decided to build my site as my class project. We have to build a site in my Advanced Internet Class so I figured that since only my homepage is done, I can do the rest for myself and the class. Our teacher gave up some pretty strict guidelines, one of which is that the whole site has to be hand coded using Notepad or Notepad2; no WYSIWYG editors. YIKES! This will definitely be a challenge. We also have to come up with our own timetable for completion.

I'm going to look at this positively about this. I have to get use to doing web site proposals and setting up draft and action plans for real-world clients. So all this work, that I don't normally do, will come in handy one day.