Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I think I could use to this! I'm telecommuting two days this week. It took me a little bit to get started today. But once I got started, I was on a roll.

I decided not to change my routine too much so I got up this morning and did my walk. I took my mom to the gym with me and we did the treadmill. Fun was had by all :)

After I got home, I took a shower, made some breakfast (why haven't I bought a coffee maker yet?), and settled in to get some work done. I have my list, my to-do list. I made it yesterday and it consists of projects that I can do without connecting to my work computer. At first I was worried that I wouldn't have enough to do, but as it turns out, I may have too much to do.

At 4:30 I'm taking a break to go to the pool for deep water fitness, otherwise known as aquafit. That will cap off my day. I'll do a little more after I get home to finish off my 7.5 hours of work and then it'll be time for homework. OH JOY!

Someone tell me that I wasn't crazy to sign up for classes.